1. The conference address students of grades 7-11 of general schools, technical schools, art centers, institutions of additional education.
2. The competition is held in two categories:
- competition of experimental research projects;
- competition of theoretical research projects.
3. One student can take part in the competition with only one project.
4. The works should be presented in MS Word format (.doc, .docx) in volume up to 15 printed pages, font Times New Roman, 14 pt.
The structure of the work has to comply with generally accepted requirements and contain the following sections:
- Title page with the name of the research project, information about the author (surname, first name, patronymic, grade), the head of the research work (surname, first name, patronymic and position), the place of realization of project.
- Introduction.
- Literature review with indication of sources.
- Materials and methods of research.
- Results and discussion.
- Conclusions.
- References.
5. Registration and submission of research projects is carried out until March 1, 2023 on the conference website in the "Registration" section. The file with the text of the project should be placed in the "Add abstracts" section.
6. Research projects submitted during registration will undergo an examination within 15 days from March 1 to March 15, 2023, according to the results of which the participants of the competition will be determined.
7. The competition will be held from March 28 to March 31, 2023 in accordance with the conference program in the form of an oral defense (presentation) for 10 minutes by the author of the research project in front of the jury of the competition.
8. The main evaluation criteria of the research projects:
1) evaluation criteria the content of research projects:
- Research nature of the work;
- The novelty of the study;
- Relevance of the work and its justification, practical and/or theoretical significance;
- Quality of goal setting and work planning;
- Matching of the obtained results with the assigned tasks;
- The volume, complexity and quality of the performed experiment;
- Originality of the problem solution (creativity of the project);
- Matching of the work structure with generally accepted requirements;
- Literacy and logic of the presentation;
- The degree of independence in the realization of the project.
2) evaluation criteria of the oral defense of research projects:
- Quality of presentation materials design;
- Understanding and ability to explain the essence of the methods used, understanding the limitations of the used methods;
- The logic of the presentation;
- Erudition and competence in the field of study, understanding of the place of one's research in the knowledge system on this issue;
- Creative approach in analyzing the results and prospects of the study;
- Politeness and argumentation in answering questions, creative approach.
9. Summing up the results.
The jury evaluates the students' materials and identifies the winners and awardees in each category of the competition. The number of winners and awardees is determined by the jury separately for each category and each nomination - depending on the level of the submitted works.
All participants of the competition will receive a certificate of participation in the conference, and the winners and awardees will receive diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees or incentive certificates.
Scientific supervisors of research projects will receive grateful letters.