Abstract submittion


1. The abstract file must be prepared in MS Word and saved with the ".doc" format.

2. A4 sheet. Page margins: top – 30 mm, bottom, left and right – 20 mm. Line spacing 1.0.
Manual hyphenation is not allowed in the text of abstracts.
Drawings and graphs should be kept in black and white and have a clear image.

3. Chemical schemes must be done in a chemical editor (ChemBioDraw: Times New Roman, 12, Fixed Length: 0.508 cm; Line Width: 0.021 cm; Margin Width: 0.056 cm; Bold Width: 0.071 cm; Hash Spacing: 0.088 cm), and mathematical formulas - in the intergrated MS Equation Editor.

4. Abstracts should contain the following information:

  • TITLE OF THE WORK (font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, bold, capital letters, center alignment, without indentation);
    on the next line, the last name, first name, patronymic of the authors (Times New Roman, 12, bold, italics) are symmetrically centered. For each author, the surname is indicated first, and then the initials (without a space between them). The surname, first name and patronymic of the speaker must be emphasized (the speaker must be a student).
  • on the next line, with an interval in the center (Times New Roman, 12, italics) – the short name of the university / organization, the name of the city and country (for foreign participants);
  • on the next line, spaced symmetrically in the center (Times New Roman, 12, italics) – the email address.

5. If there are several authors and they work in different organizations, then after the surname a superscript (1, 2, etc.) is placed, corresponding to the organization indicated below under the same number.

6. The main text of the abstracts is typed in Times New Roman font, 14, width alignment, the beginning of a new paragraph is indented 1 cm.

7. After the main text, at intervals, the heading "References" - Times New Roman font, 12, bold, center alignment.

8. The list of references is typed in the interval after the title (Times New Roman font, 12, width alignment). The number of sources should not exceed three names.

9. The volume of abstracts is from 1 to 2 full pages.

10. Abstracts should be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. For special designations, upper and lower indexes should be used.



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