General info

Dear colleagues!

Our organizing committee with great pleasure invites you to take part in the 8th National youth conference with international participation «Chemistry & Chemical Education of 21th century» dedicated to Yu. S. Zalkind's 150th anniversary and V. M. Berestovitskaya's 85thanniversary.


The purpose of the conference is a mutually beneficial exchange of research results on topical issues of modern chemistry and chemical education, carried out by representatives of young people studying - bachelor's, specialist's and master's students, as well as postgraduate students and young scientists under 35 years of age. Within the framework of the conference, participants will be able to present the results of their research activities in the form of oral (up to 10 minutes) and poster presentations. Leading Russian scientists in the field of chemistry will make plenary reports.

Yuliy Sigismundovich Zalkind (1875–1948) was a famous Russian organic chemist, Honored Scientist and Technician of the RSFSR, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and Professor. From 1929 to 1948, he was the head of the organic chemistry department at the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute (LSPI) named after A. I. Herzen (now the Herzen State Pedagogical University). He wrote works on the chemistry of acetylene and the synthesis of plasticizers and plastics. He studied the properties of organomagnesium compounds and aromatic polynuclear systems; he synthesized a number of compounds similar in structure to vitamin A; camphor and styrene were produced using methods he developed.

Valentina Mikhailovna Berestovitskaya (1940 – 2017) is a famous Russian organic chemist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher Education of Russia, leader of the leading scientific school of Russia "Nitro Compounds and Amino Acids", Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor. From 1992 to 2017 - Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Scientific Director of the Problem Laboratory of Nitro Compounds. She fruitfully worked in the field of chemistry of nitro- and organoelement compounds: functionalized nitroethenes, organoelement heterocyclic compounds and amino acids. Studying highly reactive synthons in organic synthesis, she developed a strategy for the synthesis of various promising substances with a wide range of practically useful properties. She worked on solving urgent problems of an applied nature. She headed a complex of studies aimed at finding promising biologically active compounds in a series of derivatives of α-pyrrolidone and γ-aminobutyric and glutamic acids and creating original drugs based on them. She was the scientific director of a comprehensive program for the industrial development of substances promising for creating drugs, developed in the problem laboratory of nitro compounds.



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